
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Denmark: PhD Studentships in Particle Physics, University of Copenhagen

Applications for a 3 years PhD research studentships are invited by The Experimental High Energy Particle Physics (HEP) group,Niels Bohr Institute. The PhD research studentships is open to applicants who are qualified to take up a Ph.D. position at University of Copenhagen during summer this year.

To qualify for a Ph.D. position a student must have completed a relevant Danish master or equivalent international degree. The successful applicant will be enrolled as a Ph.D. student at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, for the 3-year duration of the Ph.D. program.

The Ph.D. program includes teaching duties (6 months), course work (6 months) and a stay abroad (6 months), preferably at CERN. PhD students receive an annual pensionable and taxable salary of approx. 250.000 DKK.

Related to HEP group research activities, the successful Ph.D. applicant will participate to the exciting task of analyzing the first data from the most powerful particle collider built so far, and contribute to the understanding of the performance of the ATLAS detector and trigger, before moving to searches for new physics signatures.

Applications should include:

  • A statement of research interests and motivation for joining the Ph.D. program at Niels Bohr Institute. Potential ideas for a project are welcome, but not required (max. 2 pages).
  • Transcript of examinations undertaken at the university.
  • CV , including prior programming and research experience (max. 2 pages)
  • Details of 2 contact persons for references

Applications will be evaluated by a Ph.D. committee. A handful of candidates will be selected for interview, based on which the successful candidate will be chosen. Travel expenses will be covered for travels within Europe. For candidates from outside Europe, video interviews will be arranged. The interviews will be carried out end of May, 2008.

The main criterion for selection is the academic potential of the applicant. Additional important criteria are: originality, independence, and the drive to pursue a research career.

All material and questions should be sent by e-mail only to Dr. Stefania Xella, Deadline for application is 1 May 2008. Final result will be announced by mid June 2008.