Two PhD student positions are available in the Molecular Neuroscience Laboratory, Department of Biochemistry, University College Cork, Ireland.
Synaptic defects are implicated in numerous neurological and neurodegenerative disorders. Our research is focused on understanding synaptic connectivity and plasticity in the nervous system at the cellular and molecular level.
Project 1) Investigation of activity-dependent modulation of neural circuits at the level of single neurons in vivo using a novel transgenic technique. [Young et al. Nature Neurosci (2008) in press]
Project 2) Functional characterization of a family of E3 ubiquitin ligases in the nervous system. [Mol Cell Neurosci. 30 (2):238-48. (2005)]
The projects will employ a range of methods including immunohistochemistry, yeast-two hybrid, in vitro binding assays, electrophysiology, sophisticated mouse molecular genetics and advanced microscopy (including confocal and 2-photon imaging). Both projects involve international collaborations. Research will be conducted in the state of the art Biosciences Institute, where neuroscience is a major research theme. Click here for more details.
Highly motivated applicants with a strong background in neuroscience, cell and molecular biology or a related area should send a CV, a brief description of research interests and the names of two references to [further information].
Positions are funded by Science Foundation Ireland with a stipend of €16,000 per annum, plus fees. Closing date for receipt of applications is Friday 23rd May 2008.
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