Radboud University Nijmegen Faculty of Science, Mathematics and Computing Science
Nijmegen, (Gelderland), 40 hours per week
Job description
The Text Mining for Intellectual Property (TM4IP) project aims to develop a text mining application which is geared to searching for information in the domain of intellectual property as held in English language patent documents and corroborative publications such as technical journal articles. The project is carried out in collaboration with the Centre for Language and Speech Technology (CLST) within the Faculty of Arts. Currently the project has vacancies for 4 PhD positions, two in the area of computer science and two in linguistics. The PhD student employed on the PhD project entitled ‘PHASAR search technology applied to patent documents’ will be further developing the PHASAR search technology, investigating its way-of-working in the context of patent search and comparing its effectiveness to other search methods. In addition to developing the PHASAR search technology, the PhD student is expected to have completed a PhD thesis on the topic by the end of the contract.
Required education/skills:Doctorate
The successful candidate has a strong background in programming, with an interest in information retrieval and natural language processing. He/she has affinity with interdisciplinary research, good writing skills, and an adequate command of English.
Job type: Research / Advising
- Research trainees, non-tenured lecturers, researchers
Radboud University Nijmegen
Faculty of Science, Mathematics and Computing Science
Strategically located in Europe, Radboud University Nijmegen is one of the leading academic communities in the Netherlands. A place with a personal touch, where top-flight education and research take place on a beautiful green campus in modern buildings with state-of-art facilities.
The Faculty of Science comprises five sub-faculties: Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Computing Science. By taking in 400 new students a year, the Faculty of Science is about to attain the position of second largest in the Netherlands. The project will be carried out within the Institute for Computing and Information Sciences (ICIS).
Date of entry: 19/06/2008
Conditions of employment
Maximum salary amount in Euro's a month 2.558
Employment basis: Temporary for specified period
Duration of the contract: 3.5 years, with go/no-go decision after 1 year.
Maximum hours per week: 40
Additional Information
Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained from:
prof. C.H.A. Koster
Telephone number: 31-24-3653133
E-mail address: kees@cs.ru.nl
Or additional information can be obtained through one of the following links:Application
You can apply for this job before 17-07-2008 (dd-mm-yyyy) by sending your application to:
Faculteit der Natuurwetenschappen, Wiskunde en Informatica
Radboud University Nijmegen, mrs.drs. D. Reinders
P.O. Box 9010, 6500 GL Nijmegen
E-mail: pz@science.ru.nl
When applying for this job always mention the vacancynumber 62.56.08.
Job description
The Text Mining for Intellectual Property (TM4IP) project aims to develop a text mining application which is geared to searching for information in the domain of intellectual property as held in English language patent documents and corroborative publications such as technical journal articles. The project is carried out in collaboration with the Centre for Language and Speech Technology (CLST) within the Faculty of Arts. Currently the project has vacancies for 4 PhD positions, two in the area of computer science and two in linguistics. The PhD student employed on the PhD project entitled ‘PHASAR search technology applied to patent documents’ will be further developing the PHASAR search technology, investigating its way-of-working in the context of patent search and comparing its effectiveness to other search methods. In addition to developing the PHASAR search technology, the PhD student is expected to have completed a PhD thesis on the topic by the end of the contract.
Required education/skills:Doctorate
The successful candidate has a strong background in programming, with an interest in information retrieval and natural language processing. He/she has affinity with interdisciplinary research, good writing skills, and an adequate command of English.
Job type: Research / Advising
- Research trainees, non-tenured lecturers, researchers
Radboud University Nijmegen
Faculty of Science, Mathematics and Computing Science
Strategically located in Europe, Radboud University Nijmegen is one of the leading academic communities in the Netherlands. A place with a personal touch, where top-flight education and research take place on a beautiful green campus in modern buildings with state-of-art facilities.
The Faculty of Science comprises five sub-faculties: Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Mathematics and Computing Science. By taking in 400 new students a year, the Faculty of Science is about to attain the position of second largest in the Netherlands. The project will be carried out within the Institute for Computing and Information Sciences (ICIS).
Date of entry: 19/06/2008
Conditions of employment
Maximum salary amount in Euro's a month 2.558
Employment basis: Temporary for specified period
Duration of the contract: 3.5 years, with go/no-go decision after 1 year.
Maximum hours per week: 40
Additional Information
Additional information about the vacancy can be obtained from:
prof. C.H.A. Koster
Telephone number: 31-24-3653133
E-mail address: kees@cs.ru.nl
Or additional information can be obtained through one of the following links:Application
You can apply for this job before 17-07-2008 (dd-mm-yyyy) by sending your application to:
Faculteit der Natuurwetenschappen, Wiskunde en Informatica
Radboud University Nijmegen, mrs.drs. D. Reinders
P.O. Box 9010, 6500 GL Nijmegen
E-mail: pz@science.ru.nl
When applying for this job always mention the vacancynumber 62.56.08.