
Saturday, October 24, 2009

Czech : South Moravian Region of the Czech Republic: Master and PhD Scholarship 2010-2011 for Foreign University Students

Programme Scholarship for foreign students supports foreign students from the third countries out of European Union who want to study at one of the universities in the South Moravian region in the Czech republic, in the Czech study programmes.

What is provided in the programme:

  1. Scholarship (monthly 6000 Czech crown – approx. 220EUR) for the first study year – to cover basic living costs (if students achieves good study results during the first study year, they obtain scholarship straight from the university in the following years). There is no tuition fee for students attending study programs in Czech language.
  2. Free administrative assistance and consultancy – help with university entrance exams procedure and during the first study year in the South Moravian region (diploma recognition, information service, visa, study matters etc.)

Who can apply:

Foreign students from the third countries out of European Union, who wish to study a follow-up master or Ph.D. study programs in Czech language, at partner universities in the South Moravian region of the Czech republic. Preferably in technical and natural science field of study.

How to apply:

The application includes two essential steps:

  1. Application for study at a partner university in Brno
  2. Application for scholarship to the South Moravian Centre for International Mobility

Applicants do not pay any fee for the application. See more information at How to submit an application.

Deadline for application submitting

To apply for scholarship at academic year 2010/2011 there is a deadline 20th February 2010.

Conditions for receiving scholarship:

  1. Submitting the complete application for scholarship and application for study in the given deadlines.
  2. Applicants must pass successfully an entrance university exam
  3. Final choice of scholarship holders makes independent Selection Committee, whose members are the vice-rectors of our partner universities. Selection is done from the group of applicants who have been accepted to the study at the university.

Czech language:

It is expected that the applicants have sufficient knowledge of Czech language to be able to start studying in Czech right after their arrival in Brno.

The applicants who receive scholarship can attend course of Czech language (free of charge) in Brno at the university for the period of the first academic year (13 weeks, 12 lessons weekly), including final exam of Czech language.
From the previous years of the programme:

The scholarship programme for foreign students has started since the academic year 2006/2007, so far there have been supported totally 70 students.

In the academic year there have been supported 14 foreign students. In the following academic year there were 22 scholarship holders of JCMM and at the same time 4 students from Bosnia and Herzegovina attended a project of five-month course of Czech language in Brno in order to continue their study at a local university. In the present academic year 2008/2009 there are 30 scholarship holders, who have been chosen out of 79 applicants.


Masaryk University

Masaryk University is the second largest public university in the Czech republic and the largest university in Moravia. Nowadays it consists of 9 faculties and more then 200 departments – Faculty of Law, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Science, Faculty of Arts, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Economics and Administration, Faculty of Informatics, Faculty of Social Studies, Faculty of Sports Studies. It was founded in 1919. One of the main priorities of the university is science and research, the university has joined many research programmes. Currently there is a possibility to choose from study programmes in the field of medicine, humanities, social studies, law and sport.

Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry in Brno

Mendel University of Agriculture and Forestry in Brno was founded in 1919 as the oldest independent university of its kind in the Czech republic. The university consists of 5 faculties and one academic institute: Faculty of Agronomy, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology, Faculty of Business and Economics, Faculty of Horticulture, Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies, Institute of Lifelong Education. The university focuses its research activities on agricultural, forestry, biological, economic, technical and pedagogical sciences.

University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno

University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences Brno is the only university of this kind in the Czech republic. The university educates specialists in the field of veterinary and pharmaceutical sciences. The university consists of three faculties – Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Veterinary Hygiene and Ecology. In the campus there are also public offices of veterinaries and general practitioners and Faculty chemist’s.

Brno University of Technology

Brno University of Technology is the oldest university in Brno, it was founded in 1899. Nowadays it covers the whole range of technical fields of science and artistic fields, too. The university consists of 8 faculties: Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of Chemistry, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Communication, Faculty of Information Technology, Faculty of Business and Management, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Fine Arts. The university has joined many research programmes, cooperates with significant private companies (Škoda, IBM…) and research centres and associations (Aerospace research centre, Research centre of applied cybernetics, etc.). The university cooperates with foreign universities and joins international projects.


The application for scholarship should be sent on-line, latest by the date specified for a given year.

Applications for academic year 2010/2011 should be sent latest till 20th February 2010.

The application includes following:

  • On-line scholarship application form
  • CV (in English or Czech language)
  • Letter of motivation (in Czech or English language) – it is recommended up to 2 pages. It should include reasons why the applicant applies for scholarship and why should be accepted, the study plans and ambitions.
  • Notary verified copy of your diploma and diploma translation by a certified translator into Czech or English language according to country of origin and a university.
  • Diploma transcript (list of the subjects passed during the study) and its translation by a certified translator into Czech or English language according to country of origin and a university.

If the applicant graduates in spring of the same year when the scholarship application is submitted, it is possible to send first only a list of subjects passed by that time and confirmation of home university about expected date of graduation. However, the diploma verification must be delivered latest by the date of registration at the Czech university (usualy beginning September of a given year).