
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Switzerland : The University of Geneva PhD Student Position in Computational Evolutionary Genomics

We are looking for a highly motivated and innovative PhD student candidate (~4 years) to explore the wealth of genomic data from evolutionary perspective using bioinformatics approaches. Our group has a broad range of interests related to the functional evolution of genomes and actively contributes to international genome analysis consortiums. The specific project will be developed together with the candidate.

The ideal candidate should have a strong background in bioinformatics, including programming skills (or the willingness and drive to acquire them), and a good understanding of molecular biology (preferably with some experience/background in molecular evolution). A Diploma or MSc degree in Biology or Bioinformatics, practical experience in the Unix environment, and fluency in English are required.

The project will be supervised by Prof. E. Zdobnov at the Department of Genetic Medicine and Development of the University of Geneva Medical School. We are also part of the renowned Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics and offer a stimulating research environment with excellent facilities.

The international city of Geneva, described as “the smallest of the large capitals”, offers a vibrant city life within easy reach of the picturesque lake and stunning Alps.

Closing date for applications: November 15th, 2009

To apply: send your CV, statement of research interest, and names and contact details of at least two referees by e-mail to:
CMU / 9022
Rue Michel-Servet 1
CH-1211 Geneva 4