
Friday, April 11, 2008

Ireland: PhD Positions in Data Mining, Waterford Institute of Technology

Department: TSSG (Telecommunications Software & Systems Group) Waterford Institute of Technology, Waterford, Ireland

Minimum Qualification Required:

  • Possess a Master degree in Computer Science or a related discipline.
  • Have strong programming skills of Java and experience of implementing numerical algorithms with Java
  • Have a good understanding or some experience in the following areas: database, statistics, machine learning, or data mining.
  • With good written and spoken English, and ideally some existing publications

Major Duties:

  • Develop the novel algorithms and scalable software systems for Predictive Analytics and Web services based on Semantic Web mining.
  • Study novel techniques of distributed data mining.

Applications should include:

  • a curriculum vitae with a list of publications,
  • a cover letter and a statement of research interests,
  • the names and e-mail addresses of two references.

Applications should be sent by e-mail with Subject “PHD Position” to: hfu[ at ]

For further details regarding the research project, please contact Dr. Huaiguo Fu (hfu[ at ] ).

Closing Date : 01/05/2008