
Thursday, March 13, 2008

Germany: PostDoc / PhD Position in Multiscale Methods for Molecular Dynamics

Our profile
The Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems in Magdeburg is the first institute of the Max Planck Society dedicated to engineering sciences. Its objective is to bridge the gap between basic research and industrial applications. The newly founded Junior Research Group Population Dynamics aims at a fundamental understanding of disperse phase processes and distributed systems through predictive modelling. We offer a highly interdisciplinary research environment and excellently equipped facilities.

Project: Molecular dynamics simulations of crystal growth For crystals with tailored properties the predictive understanding of crystal growth from solution is of major importance. Molecular dynamics have long time been considered infeasible for simulating crystal growth from the solution due to the associated computational effort. In the recent years scale-integration techniques have provided a possible way to overcome these limitations. In the present project scale integration approaches shall be evaluated for industrially relevant problems. The project comprises molecular dynamics as well as Monte-Carlo simulation of solid-liquid interfaces. The studies shall be complemented with own experimental investigations.

Your profile
A qualified candidate is interested in applied interdisciplinary research and has a M.Sc. or Ph.D. degree in a relevant scientific or technical subject, such as chemical engineering, physics, or computational chemistry. Previous experience in scientific computing, modelling of complex systems, Monte-Carlo or molecular dynamics methods is a plus.

Our Offer
Upon qualification of the candidate the payment is on the basis of a Ph.D./Postdoc stipend (1000/1500 Euro/month). The initial contract has a one year term but can be prolonged to a total of three years. Applications from women are particularly welcome. In the case of equal suitability, ability and professional achievements, female candidates will be given preference, provided that the personal qualifications of another candidate are not more appropriate for the position. Applications from candidates with disability are welcome.

For further information you may contact Heiko Briesen.

To apply please send your CV, certificates, publications, and references (preferably by email) directly to:

Dr.-Ing. Heiko Briesen
Head of Junior Research Group Population Dynamics
Max-Planck-Institut für Dynamik komplexer technischer Systeme
Sandtorstrasse 1
D-39106 Magdeburg
E-Mail: briesen(AT)