(Ref. No. GF - 01)
A student with strong interest in solid state/electronic structure theory and with a background in quantum physics is sought. Experience or familiarity with scientific computing is an advantage.
The project addresses the quantum effects and many-body physics that determine the electric currents through semiconductor nanowires or related nanomaterials. The successful applicant will work with a team of researchers in developing/applying quantum transport simulations interfaced with atomic scale models and/or first-principle calculations. The goal is to explore the transition from the quantum to semi-classical
physics and the applications to future technology design at the nanometer scale.
Positions are available immediately through funding provided by Science Foundation Ireland (SFI). Additional opportunities exist through the Irish Research Council for Science, Engineering and Technology's PhD scholarship programme: http://www.ircset.ie.
To obtain further details on the application procedure or to discuss project details, please contact Giorgos Fagas at Georgios.Fagas@tyndall.ie and include a copy of a recent CV or transcript.