
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Ireland: University College Cork 6 PhD positions Marine Biotechnology/ Biodiscovery

Funding is available through both the Beaufort Marine Research Award scheme and through the Irish Higher Education Authority PRTLI- Cycle 4 for six PhD positions in the following areas:

  1. Identification of Marine-derived modulators of Microbe-Host interactomes. Supervisor Prof. Fergal O'Gara UCC.
  2. Culture dependent approaches to identify Bioactive compounds from bacteria associated with the marine sponge Haliclona simulans. Supervisor: Prof. Alan Dobson UCC.
  3. Development and validation of high-throughput screens to identify novel inhibitors of pathogenic yeast, from marine sponge-associated microbes. Supervisor: Dr John Morrissey UCC.
  4. Exploiting the diverse microbial ecology of marine sponges. Supervisor Prof. Alan Dobson UCC.
  5. Viral Metagenomics in marine environments.
    Supervisors Prof. Alan Dobson UCC and Prof. Mike Larkin QUB.
  6. Metagenomic approaches to study Phosphorous cycling in natural environments.

Supervisors: Prof. Fergal O'Gara UCC, Dr John Quinn QUB and Dr John McGrath QUB.

Projects 5 and 6 involve collaborative projects between Queen's University Belfast (QUB) and University College Cork (UCC) and will involve conducting part of the PhD project in both locations.

Candidates for the PhD positions should have an Honours degree (2H1) in Microbiology or a related discipline. To apply, please submit a CV, (not more than 3 pages) and a covering letter indicating your research goals/interests and the project in which you are interested; together with the names of two referees to Dr Paul Bolger, Environmental Research Institute, University College Cork, Lee Road Cork, Ireland. Tel: 00353-21-4901933; email, Closing date for applications: Friday, May 30th, 2008.