
Monday, April 14, 2008

Australia: Macquarie University PhD Candidates Centre for Ultrahigh-bandwidth Devices for Optical Systems

Centre for Ultrahigh-bandwidth Devices for Optical Systems

The Macquarie University node of the Centre for Ultrahigh-bandwidth Devices for Optical Systems (CUDOS) has a major research program in fundamental and applied photonics developing next-generation devices for optical communications, astrophotonics and biophotonic systems.

We are currently seeking six talented and motivated PhD candidates to develop these and other research themes, with experimental and theoretical projects, as well as projects that combine both skills.

Our available projects include:

Fabricating and modelling high-index contrast photonic crystal opals to manipulate the spontaneous emission rates of individual atoms and quantum dots. Such systems are playgrounds for fundamental quantum science and are candidates for components in future quantum computers.

Our group is a world leader in the field of femto-second laser directly-written waveguide devices. This research team is seeking two students to design and create novel monolithic waveguide laser devices and passive optical circuitry for communication, information and sensing applications.

Developing the theory of magneto-optical photonic microstructures. These systems exploit time-reversal symmetry breaking to create unique optical devices and effects like ultra-small optical diodes (or one-way valves for light).

Details about these and other projects (including nano-technology and plasmonics) may be found at Generous scholarships and cotutelle arrangements are available for eligible candidates.

New students will join a young, energetic group of 20 researchers led by Associate Professors Mick Withford (, Judith Dawes ( and Mike Steel (, and Drs Alex Fuerbach and Graham Marshall.

Our facilities include start-of-the-art labs incorporating 3 high-power femtosecond laser systems, nanometric positioning systems, advanced micro-optical characterisation facilities, and access to the leading supercomputer sites in Australia. Students will be active members of CUDOS, a partnership of six universities that is the premier photonics research group in Australia and provides substantial opportunities for research collaboration, networking and future employment. Macquarie University is located on a large green campus in the northern suburbs of Sydney, one of the world's most beautiful and exciting cities.

For further information on the above and other projects please contact Kali Madden ( and visit