
Monday, September 28, 2009

Belgium: PhD Fellowships in Economics of Innovation, University Hasselt

PhD Fellowships in Economics of Innovation, University Hasselt, Belgium

PhD Fellowship – Economics of Innovation (2 X 2 years)
KIZOK – University Hasselt

KIZOK is the newest research center of the University Hasselt. KIZOK is set up within the faculty of Applied Economics and her diverse disciplines in order to concentrate the research efforts on entrepreneurship and innovation. KIZOK wants to be an independent research center in which fundamental and applied scientific research are accompanied by customized services for companies and policy makers on the one hand, and educational programs on entrepreneurship and innovation.

KIZOK – the Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Hasselt University is offering a four year (2 X 2) scholarship for a PhD student. The candidate will be affiliated with the research unit quantitative Methods of KIZOK. The doctoral project is in field of the “economics of innovation” with a strong emphasis on empirical approaches using firm and plant level micro-data. The project aims at analyzing the economic aspects (governmental policy, market competition, financing) related to the innovation of firms.

Selection Criteria
The candidate should possess a Master Degree or Master after Master in Applied Economics (e.g. Commercial Engineering), Economics (Econometrics) or Statistics. Ideally, the candidate is interested in quantitative/empirical research and has strong analytical and technical capabilities in economic methods. Knowledge of French or Dutch constitutes an advantage. The candidate is willing to teach/assist with a limited amount of courses for Bachelor or Master students at the faculty of Applied Economics.

A full time (temporarily) position for an initial period of two years and salaries are in accordance with Belgian university rules. This period can be extend with two more years after a positive evaluation of the doctoral work. The PhD work will result in a doctoral degree at the Faculty of Applied Economics at Hasselt University. The research offers unique opportunities to collaborate with national and international networks.

Prof. dr. Ludo Peeters, tel. +32 11 26 86 35, email: ludo.peeters[ at ]

Prof. dr. Mark Vancauteren, tel. +32 11 26 86 64, email: mark.vancauteren[ at ]

Application by e-mail should be sent to mark.vancauteren[ at ]

Applications must reach us no later than: 20 October 2009