M.SC. GRADUATE ASSISTANTSHIP – Trent University (Peterborough, Ontario, Canada). A M.Sc assistantship is available to study nest and roost site selection behaviour of Chimney Swifts and determine: 1) the degree to which nest site availability is a limiting factor contributing to continent-wide declines of swift populations, and 2) the environmental and behavioural cues used in nest and roost site selection. The student will also undertake a retrospective analysis of roost monitoring data from southern Ontario to examine spatial and temporal trends. The student will work in collaboration with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Bird Studies Canada, the Canadian Wildlife Service, and several local naturalist groups. The successful applicant will begin in September 2008 (a January 2009 start date is also possible). During the first fall and winter terms, the student will be expected to seek scholarships and analyze data. Fieldwork will begin in May 2009 to monitor response to treatments from 2008 pilot season and to broaden the scope of the project according to their own interests. Salary is a minimum of $16,000 per year (50% stipend, 50% from TA’ship). Applicants must have a B.Sc. in biology, ecology, or related field. The successful applicant will be expected to apply and qualify for federal scholarships tenable in Canada. Students already holding such scholarships are obviously encouraged to apply - they will be relieved of TA duties and have extra field research funding. Applicants must meet admission requirements for the Watershed Ecosystems Graduate Program of Trent’s Biology Department (see http://www.trentu.ca/wegp/ ). Please send (email preferred) a letter of interest, CV, indication of academic performance, and 3 professional/faculty references to DR. JOSEPH J. NOCERA, OMNR, DNA Building, Trent University, 2140 East Bank Dr., Peterborough, ON, Canada, K9J 7B8 (EM: joe.nocera@ontario.ca). Review of applications begins 1 Jun 2008 and continues until filled.