
Monday, May 12, 2008

Spain: University of Barcelona Post Doctoral Position

An industry-funded Post Doctoral position is available at the
Cognitive Neuroscience Research Group, Parc Cientific de Barcelona –
University of Barcelona.

Brief project description
The project’s objective is translating basic scientific knowledge
about sensory-motor interactions to applied, real-world, situations.
The candidate’s work will focus on first and second order
relationships between perceptual events and actions (such as
reaching/grasping) using psychophysical techniques.

We are looking for a person who has obtained his/her PhD in the area
of the Cognitive Neurosciences. S/he must have a solid background in
Experimental Psychology/Psychophysics, programming skills, and
independence in setting up his/her own research lines.

The successful candidate will join the Group of Attention, Action and
Perception, a highly active group in several areas of including
multisensory perception, attention, and motor control. The research
facilities and available equipment in the laboratory include:
behavioural/psychophysical testing, EEG/ERP recording, eyetracker
(Eyelink II), touch screen, and 3D motion-tracker system

Start date: The position may begin as soon as possible and will be
funded for 1 year (+1 extension potential).

Salary will be commensurate with experience.

To apply, please send a letter with a brief statement of research
interests, a CV and the contact details of two academic referees.
Applications as well as informal enquiries about the position can be
addressed to: Salvador Soto-Faraco. E-Mail:

Relevant links:
Prof. Soto-Faraco’s page (
Prof. Lopez-Moliner’s page: