Centre for Music and Multimedia
The Royal College of Music invites applications for a three-year full-time DMus studentship attached to its new Centre for Music and Multimedia. The studentship will pay tuition fees for residents of the UK and EU only, due to funding restrictions. It is expected that the successful candidate will take up the studentship in September 2008. Suitably experienced and qualified applicants are sought in the following areas of practice-based research in music:
- Film musicology, with special interest in scores of historical significance to the understanding and evaluation of British film music
- Extended instrumental or vocal performance techniques, with special interest in collaboration with electroacoustic composers.
For further details, see the RCM website at www.rcm.ac.uk. A completed application form, together with supporting materials should be returned to Darren Clark, Registry, Royal College of Music, Prince Consort Road, London SW7 2BS by 30 May 2008.
The Royal College of Music is an equal opportunities employer.