
Sunday, May 11, 2008

Germany: 3-year PhD Position University of Luebeck

Applications are invited for a 3-year PhD position becoming available at the

Institute for Neuro- and Bioinformatics, University of Luebeck, Germany

in the context of the

Graduate School “Computing in Medicine and Life Sciences”

Project: Learning to See Better

We develop gaze-contingent interactive displays on which information can be
displayed such as to guide the gaze of the viewer. By recording the gaze
pattern of experts and applying it to novices who view the interactive
display, we can evoke a sub-conscious learning effect. We plan to use this
technology to train novices how to efficiently view medical images and
improve diagnosis, and to aid children with reading disabilities to provide
them with a display on which they can read with high performance.
Furthermore, we will derive strategies for reducing the attentional deficits
of neglect patients, and to improve the patients’ exploration in the
neglected field. Finally, we aim at “visual aids” such as head-mounted
displays that show both the real world and guiding cues.

Scholarships range from EUR 1250 to EUR 1711 a month, depending on marital
status and number of children. A technical background and an open mind for
interdisciplinary research are required.

Informal enquiries and a statement of interest should be sent to .

Please note that there are a further 30 interdisciplinary PhD positions
available in the fields of Neuroengineering, Navigation and Robotics, and
Computing in Structural and Cell Biology.

For details, also on the formal application procedure, please visit