Phd position in bioenergy connected for forestry or environmental sciences
Høgskolen i Hedmark er organisert i fire avdelinger: Avdeling for lærerutdanning og naturvitenskap, Hamar, Avdeling for helse- og idrettsfag, Elverum, Avdeling for økonomi, samfunnsfag og informatikk, Rena og Avdeling for skog- og utmarksfag, Evenstad. Høgskoleadministrasjonen er plassert i Elverum. Høgskolen har ca. 4000 studenter og ca. 475 ansatte. Høgskolen deltar i et viktig utviklingsprosjekt sammen med høgskolene i Gjøvik og Lillehammer med sikte på å utvikle et universitet i Innlandet.
Hedmark University College has around 4000 students and 500 staff organised in 4 faculties in south-east Norway: Faculty of Education and Science in Hamar, Faculty of Health Studies in Elverum, Faculty of Business Administration, Social Sciences and Computer Sciences in Rena and Faculty of Forestry and Wildlife Management at Evenstad. The administration is in Elverum. The college has begun an exciting development project with the University Colleges in Lillehammer and Gjøvik with the aim of forming an Inland University.
The Bioenergy-project at Hedmark University College
The energy questions and especially questions related to the green house gas emissions and global warming are very important today. Bioenergy contributes already in many countries in a significant way to reduce these emissions. In Norway this potential has not yet been developed. However, all experience so far point out the significance of utilising bioenergy in a sustainable way. With a sustainable use of bioenergy we mean sustainable in an ecological way, but also sustainable for the society, technical solutions and not at least economy.
Hedmark University College has just started a project aiming at developing competence within the field of Bioenergy. The project is linked to the Faculties in Rena and Evenstad. The Faculty in Rena will be responsible for education and research connected to the economics of bioenergy. The Faculty in Evenstad will focus on wood industry, wood-energy supplies, and logistic challenges all through the value chain of woodbased bioenergy production.
Professor Bengt Gunnar Hillring is employed on the project and he functions today as the scientific head of the project. He has special skills in the value chain of wood-based bioenergy production from forests, forestry and forest industries. The bioenergy-project aims at developing the bioenergy field especially based on forests to a sustainable production and utilisation of biomass as bioenergy.
The Faculty of Forestry and Wildlife Management
The Faculty of Forestry and Wildlife Management is located at Evenstad in a rural area of Stor-Elvdal municipality in SE-Norway, 20 km south of the municipality centre in Koppang and 40 km north of Rena. The Faculty has around 140 students, offering studies at the bachelor level in forestry, bioenergy, wildlife management, eco-tourism and applied ecology. In addition the Faculty offers a master program in applied ecology. The Faculty has its own fish hatchery and is involved in the management of 40 km2 of commercial forest. The University of Oslo and Norwegian Institute for Nature Research have permanent field stations on campus. The faculty has 17 permanent staff with professionals working in the field of applied ecology and forestry. At the moment there are 9 PhD-students at the Faculty. In total there are over 45 staff in the Faculty. The Faculty’s research is in applied ecology with the main focus on the effects of human impacts on the environment, effects of mitigation measures, sustainable use of natural resources and environmental monitoring. Much of the research activity addresses these issues within forestry, large and small game animals, large carnivores and freshwater fish.
The Faculty of Business Administration, Social Sciences and Computer Sciences
The Faculty of Business Administration, Social Sciences and Computer Sciences is located in Rena in Åmot municipality in SE-Norway. Rena is the municipality centre and has about 2000 of the total of 4400 inhabitants in the municipality. The Faculty has 740 students, offering studies at the bachelor level in administration, economics, informatics and leadership. The Faculty is organised in three institutes with 49 professional positions and 17 technical/administrative positions. In addition the Faculty collaborates with Karlstad Univeristy in Sweden in a master in public administration. The Norwegian army has established in Åmot municipality with several military and civil workplaces and is a close collaborator to the Faculty. In addition to ordinary activities the Faculty has a commission unit with a turnover of ca NOK 11 million, and has ca 1500 course students every year.
A 100% position as a PhD student in bioenergy connected to forestry or environmental sciences is available in the bioenergy-project at Hedmark University College from 01.08.2008 till 31.07.2011.
- To qualify for the position the candidate must hold a master degree in a relevant discipline such as forestry, biology, ecology or technology and show special interest in the field of bioenergy.
- We are searching for reliable candidates who can work independently, but who will also function well in our team.
- Hence, we emphasise personal qualities when appointing personnel to the Faculty.
- We accept applications from any qualified person. Whoever is appointed will be based mainly at our Faculty at Evenstad with tight connections to Rena. The appointed candidate will be formally tied to a university that is accredited to give PhDs.
Salary follows the State salary scale for scholarship holders, position code 1017, salary framework 20, alt. 1, starting in salary step 43 which currently constitutes NOK 325 600 gross per year. For particularly well qualified applicants, code 1378 can be used. Life assurance and occupational injuries insurance are included. Pension contributions to Statens pensjonskasse will be deducted.
Information about the University College or the Faculties may be found at
Questions about the position, the bioenergy project or work environment can be directed to the Dean Harry P. Andreassen, telephone: +47 62 43 08 52, or Professor Bengt Gunnar Hillring, telephone +47 62 43 08 59,
Other conditions
The national workforce should, to the greatest possible extent, reflect the diversity of the population. There is therefore a personnel policy goal to achieve a balanced age and sex composition and recruit from ethnic minority groups.
Applications should be made to Hedmark University College. The application and CV should be marked 2008/617 and submitted electronically.
Do not send certificates and references with the application, we may ask for them later.
Application deadline: 2008.05.23