PhD position in Materials Science and Engineering, closing date 2008-05-28The PhD will be a part of the Graduate School in Space Technology at Luleå University of Technology.
Project description: Synthesizing and characterization of titanium alloys
The project will focus on a new modification of the well known titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V (titanium alloyed with 6 % aluminium and 4 % vanadium), where an addition of a small percentage of boron has been added. The mechanical properties of cast titanium are then increased significantly. The project will start with a thorough literature survey of the relatively new area. A controlled heat-treatment of cast Ti-6Al-4V with and without addition of boron will be performed in order to study how the microstructure and especially grain size will depend on the heat-treatment. The aim is to link the different microstructures with mechanical properties, such as for example tensile- and bending test at ambient, cryogenic or elevated temperatures.
The project will be performed in collaboration with Volvo Aero Corporation, Trollhättan, Sweden.
A candidate should have documented basic knowledge in material science, such as a Master degree in Materials Science (or equivalent degree).
Interested candidates should submit their applications marked with reference number 1380-08, including CV and university transcripts (courses/grades record) to the Registrar, Luleå University of Technology, 971 87 Luleå, or by e-mail to
Last day of application is: 28th of May, 2008.
For more information
contact, phone-number 0920-492093.