
Thursday, May 1, 2008

South Africa: Rhodes University Master’s Bursary Available

Master’s Bursary Available

A bursary is available for a Master’s student in the Department of Zoology
and Entomology at Rhodes University to develop and analyse microsatellite
markers in the weevil, Porthetes hispidus. P. hispidus is host specific to
the cycad Encephalartos friderici-guilielmi and is probably its primary
pollinator. This cycad is distributed mostly around the Cathcart-Queenstown
district of the Eastern Cape and is found as isolated colonies separated by
a range of distances with one or two isolated populations occurring near
Kokstad, KwaZulu Natal. Population genetic structure in this weevil could be
mediated by distance between populations of its host plant, host and
population fidelity, or extinction-recolonisation dynamics, among other
factors. This project aims to determine levels of genetic variation and
patterns of genetic structure in this weevil, as well as gain insight into
its mating system. Though the project is primarily lab based there may be
some opportunity for field work as it will be useful to sample from
populations that have not yielded weevils in past collecting trips.
A keen interest in evolutionary biology and some background in molecular
biology would be valuable attributes for candidates for this bursary. Submit
CV and brief statement of interests to:

Dr. Doug Downie
Department of Zoology and Entomology
Rhodes University
Grahamstown 6140
South Africa
046 603-8086