
Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Scotland: University of St Andrews New PhD Scholarship School of Modern Languages

The School of Modern Languages is committed to expanding its research postgraduate population. We are looking to recruit new scholars to join our thriving research culture and work alongside the many academics of international reputation within the University.

To this end the School of is offering a scholarship equivalent to the value of a home fee (currently £3,235) for three years. The award may be held concurrently with AHRC and ORS scholarships.

PhD theses may be written in the language of the relevant discipline. The Arts Faculty has a PhD partnership with Freiburg University and as part of their degree programme students are eligible for a funded year's/ semester's study at Freiburg, one of Germany's elite universities.

The School of Modern Languages invites applications for a PhD Scholarship, to be held in any of the following subject disciplines: French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish/Latin American. Applications are particularly encouraged in the area of Cultural Identity Studies. This focus is linked to the Institute of European Cultural Identity Studies, IECIS, a research institute in the School.

Applications in other areas are also most welcome and applicants can find details of individual staff expertise via the School of Modern Languages/Research Degrees web pages at

On the Staff Profiles page of the relevant language, click on Research Overview.

Research proposals can be discussed with the postgraduate convenor in the relevant discipline:
Professor Margaret-Anne Hutton (French)
Dr Gustavo San Roman (Director of IECIS)
Professor Helen Chambers (German; School of Modern Languages Postgraduate Convenor)
Dr Rossella Riccobono (Italian)
Dr Roger Keys (Russian)
Professor Nigel Dennis (Spanish)
or directly with possible supervisors. See web pages for contact details.

Please send applications to the Postgraduate Office by 30 MAY 2008; details of how to apply for PhD study can be found at
With your application form for admission to postgraduate study in September 2008, you should enclose a covering letter or e-mail stating that you wish to be considered for a scholarship. Please ensure that references (2) reach us by 15 June.

Successful applicants will also be eligible for further funding from the School of Modern Languages of between £500 and £800 per annum.

Further enquiries can be addressed to the School Postgraduate Secretary:
Mrs Barbara Fleming: 00 44 + (0)1334 463656; e-mail
Postal Address:
School of Modern Languages
St Andrews University
St Andrews
Fife KY16 9PH
Scotland, UK

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